I believe you can also inject update packs via WSUS or WSUS-like service according to their guides, but I haven't tried myself, it sounded like too much of a headache. You'll have to grab a new ISO or wait for them to make new scripts and de-bloat the install media and install Windows again if you want to when a new big Windows patch comes that you want/need. The only caveat is it completely disables Windows Updates - meaning no further updates once you install the media. I've used it with Windows 10 successfully and is the most in-depth de-bloat you can do. It's relatively well known but at the same time not talked about much for some reason. as in it works and isn't spyware or anything. The method and scripts are all open source. Or there's a guide to make your own ISO you can use from the site if you don't trust their ISO (a bit complex/involved, and you require access to Linux to modify the Windows installation media further to fully remove baked-in junk). You CAN use your own product key if you want, although not required) But AFAIK and how they explain in their site, it's not flat out illegal either.

They have pre-made Windows isos (gray area whether legal or not as they don't require a product key yet are activated. The best answer to this thread is Ameliorated Windows: